جريدة الاقتصادية. مصدر الاقتصادية

ISSN: 1864-6042 Impact factor: 1 In particular, we welcome contributions on the following topics: Financialization and inequality Financial innovation, systemic risk and macroprudential regulation Debt and asset bubbles, deleveraging and business cycles Euro sovereign debt crisis Functional finance and modern monetary theory Models of financing innovation and growth Unorthodox methodological approaches will be appreciated, e
Trade, Innovation and technological spillovers• This special issue is designed to highlight alternative approaches to doing replications, while also identifying core principles to follow when carrying out a replication The last years have seen a flourishing of ABMs which demonstrate that this approach is growing and it is considered as a valid alternative by many and many researchers around the world including some central banks, as for instance the BoE

مصدر الاقتصادية

The gains and costs of regional integration• The last years have seen a flourishing of ABMs which demonstrate that this approach is growing and it is considered as a valid alternative by many and many researchers around the world including some central banks, as for instance the BoE.

Economics eJournal Archive
Papers are invited for the special issue to study any aspect of the interaction between suppliers or types of supplier in the education industry
جريدة الاقتصادية
On the other hand there are several special features of the supply of education which make this industry different from the textbook competitive industry
مصدر الاقتصادية
Values and principles may influence how people co-ordinate so that knowledge of them may provide insights into the methods of enquiry and analysis that are then necessary, placing a strong emphasis on the merits of detailed descriptions of economic action, including of how agents respond to policy shifts
it held in Genova Italy , on September 19—21, 2012, but is open also to contributions not presented in the workshop Statistical and probabilistic methods in economics and finance• Articles published in the special issue will be considered for the prize
The recent attempts to study policy issues and environmental sustainability enrich this approach and contribute to build an effective alternative to mainstream models The welfare of future generations barely influences the outcome of such a rule when constant socially efficient discount rates are used for all time

Economics eJournal Archive

how can we recognize and explore alternative policy choices with different implications for different stakeholders — for example, present generations versus future generations, one sector of the economy versus another, one or more economic class rather than another, one gender versus another, one region versus another, etc.

مصدر الاقتصادية
Moreover, recent economic literature proposes the use of a discount rate which declines with time, according to some predetermined trajectory
جريدة الاقتصادية
The use of the classical net present value NPV rule to assess the economic efficiency of policies with costs and benefits that accrue in the long term is problematic
Economics eJournal Archive
S Department of Energy, Washington, DC, Richard Tol, Department of Economics, University of Sussex, and Stephanie Waldhoff, Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory The social cost of carbon—the marginal external costs resulting from enhanced climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions—is an important concept in environmental policy