قانون هنري. قانون هنري

by Preserved Smith, Charles Michael Jacobs, The Lutheran Publication Society, Philadelphia, Pa Henry VIII World History Database
"Bosworth Field to Bloody Mary: An Encyclopedia of the Early Tudors Sansom in The Guardian, 21 October 2006• The Story of Thomas More

قانون تشکیلات، وظایف و انتخاب شوراهای اسلامی کشور و انتخاب شهرداران

The Reformation Parliament, 1529-1536 by Stanford E.

Luther" 1521 Treasure 9 National Library of Vatican City displayed via The European Library
شرح قانون هنري للغازات
London: Jonathan Cape, 2006 hardback,
Guicciardini, History of Italy, 280
Moorhouse, Geoffrey Great Harry's Navy: How Henry VIII Gave England Seapower 2 1521—1530 from Google Books
" Historical Research 2007 80 207 : 47—72 New Worlds, Lost Worlds by Susan Brigden 2000


Henry VIII, "Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martin.

الفرق بين قانون هنري وقانون راولت
A Treasure of Royal Scandals, p
شرح قانون هنري
Hart, Kelly 1 June 2009
مثال قانون هنري
London: Jonathan Cape, 2006 hardback,