تيسير النجار. وفاة الصحفي تيسير النجار

" Najjar was questioned about expressing his support for armed groups Background [ ] According to , Najjar was convicted on the basis of his Facebook posts written before he moved to the UAE and criticism on phone calls with his wife
Tayseer's sentence was extended six more months because he was unable to pay the fine

وفاة الصحفي تيسير النجار

Najjar wrote on Facebook: "Message to some journalists and writers who do not like the Gazan resistance, there is no two rights in one case, but the right one is the Gazan resistance and all else is bad — such as Israel, the UAE, [Egyptian President Abdel Fattah] el-Sisi and other regimes that are no longer ashamed of shame itself.

تيسير النجار
On 12 February 2019, Najjar was released from prison and returned to his home country,
مات تيسير النجار وبقيت كلماته عن سنوات القهر في سجون
[ ] His fine was pardoned
تدهورت صحّته في سجون الإمارات: وفاة الصحافي الأردني تيسير النجار
He was sentenced under Article 29 of the United Arab Emirates cyber crime law, by posting comments on the social network expressing support to armed groups in Gaza and criticising the UAE's support of Egypt's decision to destroy in the
Reportedly, his critical conversations with his wife over the telephone were cited by the trial judgment without disclosing how the UAE authorities obtained records of the calls Death [ ] He died on 19 February 2021 in , due to a pre-existing heart condition
Human Rights Watch stated that Najjar's rights to due process and a fair trial were violated by the UAE authorities by not allowing him to access a lawyer including during interrogations, for more than a year

Tayseer Najjar


وفاة الصحفي تيسير النجار
رحيل تيسير النجار.. الصحفي الذي لن ينسى وجوه سجانيه
وفاة الصحفي تيسير النجار

هكذا تحدث معتقل عُماني في سجون الإمارات عن تيسير النجار


وفاة الصحافي الاردني تيسير النجار بعد وعكة صحية مفاجئة
Tayseer Najjar
تيسير النجار