وفوق كل ذي علم عليم. فبدأ بأوعيتهم قبل وعاء أخيه ثم استخرجها من وعاء أخيه ۚ كذلك كدنا ليوسف ۖ ما كان ليأخذ أخاه في دين الملك إلا أن يشاء الله ۚ نرفع درجات من نشاء ۗ وفوق كل ذي علم عليم

The same thing happened in Arabia during the Mission of the Holy Prophet in Madinah, which took nine years to establish the Islamic System in its entirety It was this: he could seize his brother according to his plan only by the help of the king's law, but it was not worthy of a Prophet of Allah to apply that un-lslamic law to his own personal case
Most certainly this would have made a vast difference because it would have compromised his position as a Prophet, because he was trying to establish the Islamic Way of life, which naturally could have been accomplished gradually in course of time, during which the king's law would have inevitably remained in vogue But the continuance of the unIslamic law of the king during the period of transition is no argument to prove that Allah's Prophet was sent to follow the way of the king and not to establish the Way of Allah

التفريغ النصي

Somali - Abduh : wuxuuna ka billaabay Fatashihii Yuusuf Alaabtoodii Walaalkii Alaabtiisa ka hor markaasuu ka soo bixiyey Weelkii Walaalkiis saasaana u baray kaydkaas yusuuf mana ahayn mid ku waadan kara walaalkiis diinta Boqorka in Eebe doono mooyee Waxaan kor yeelaa darajada ciddaan doono Mid kastoo cilmi lehna waxaa ka Sarreeya cilmi badane Eebe• As has already been pointed out, this was the support of Allah to which He has referred in the two subsequent verses as a token of His favour and a sign of the perfection of His knowledge.

وفوق كل ذي علم عليم فريضة التكامل من سنن الخالق الحكيم/ محمد مكركب
Though by that time he had only partially succeeded in this Mission, it was not proper and worthy of a Prophet to adopt "the way of the king" for his own personal case
فبدأ بأوعيتهم قبل وعاء أخيه ثم استخرجها من وعاء أخيه ۚ كذلك كدنا ليوسف ۖ ما كان ليأخذ أخاه في دين الملك إلا أن يشاء الله ۚ نرفع درجات من نشاء ۗ وفوق كل ذي علم عليم
It is, therefore, a proof that that Prophet himself was enforcing the un-Islamic law of the king
القرآن الكريم
Firstly, this is against the Qur'anic usage of as aCB Ca which usually means, "It did not behove him", "It was not right for him" and "He ought not to have done this
Therefore he made the servants enquire from the brothers an unusual thing about the punishment of a thief and they stated the Law of Prophet Abraham For instance, drinking, interest, the unIslamic laws of inheritance and marriage and some wrong ways of trade, etc
This erroneous conception of din, which has been in vogue among the Muslims for a long time, has been responsible for rendering them neglectful of making exertions for the establishment of the Islamic Way of life And it is also obvious that the royal servants checked their packs as a matter of routine for such is the procedure that is generally followed on such occasions

التفريغ النصي

It is obvious that the plan of placing the cup in Benjamin's pack was thought out and executed by Joseph himself.

وفوق كل ذي علم عليم فريضة التكامل من سنن الخالق الحكيم/ محمد مكركب
Therefore the exclusion of this part of din from any system would incur the displeasure of Allah
القرآن الكريم
2 As the Qur'an uses the word BaaaC ai'I which connotes "the king's way of life" in addition to "the king's law", it helps to understand the meaning of the sentence under discussion
وفوق كل ذي علم عليم فريضة التكامل من سنن الخالق الحكيم/ محمد مكركب
4 The above interpretation, however, is open to one objection