So the whole sentence is "I will wish him well, so what if he's leaving me and forgetting me? So what will happen when that happens? There is no real word to distinguish "will from "would" in all cases so just use judgment | " So she will remember "the days of our love and the steps in our path |
" So "before hurting me, he healed me | It does not change the meaning of the sentence much, but adds a certain feeling in the way that our tone often adds feeling in Egnlish |
Go back and listen again to see if you can really hear all the words she's saying and feel what she means when she says "maahu" | By now we are finding less and less familiar words |
It is usually used with verbs and means like "oh how much! " You guys are really accumulating some knowledge now, so I will be providing less and less explanation, allowing you to do your own reflection on and comprehension of the lyrics |