ظاهرة اجتماعية. تعريف ومعنى الظاهرة الاجتماعية

Now, one of these scourges and the most dangerous for society is that which concerns the pillar of the family
In schools, our young people are no longer interested in their studies, spend their time having fun even at the expense of their fellow prodigies, like to have good grades without any effort In the corridors of schools or at their doors, the drug has become queen without anybody intervening

ظاهرة اجتماعية بالانجليزي

We see groups of young boys and girls, with their clothes short and tight for girls and torn to the knees for boys, hair spiked with frost, listening to loud music in the street, regardless of people nor respect them.

ظواهر اجتماعية سلبية
Whether in the family, college, high school, on the street, young people behave immorally
ظاهرة اجتماعية
Our goal, to us young people, is to continue the task begun by our parents and our grandparents, then to pass the flag to our children, after us
قراءة نفسية
To all young people: adolescence is an ungrateful age, of transformation
If we question these young people about the causes of their negative behaviors, they answer that they follow modernism, globalization, that they are the children of their century, that it is the adults who reject and are the cause of all that At home, these young people no longer respect their parents or their older brothers or sisters under the name of freedom
But that does not mean being delinquent is the delinquency of our young people

ظاهرة اجتماعية منتشرة تلفت الانتباه

 the worst changes noticed at home without any means of intervention.

ظاهرة اجتماعية منتشرة
Hence the problems that families face: the sadness caused by their children that they can no longer control the misunderstanding between them and their children
نظرية اجتماعية
ظاهرة اجتماعية