النمر الابيض. Белый тигр

This film is often fails to do so and seems soulless This film is somewhere in between
An ambitious Indian driver uses his wit and cunning to escape from poverty and rise to the top For instance, a small trivial detail might not matter to a western audience but the fact that the Stork even with his vast wealth and cultural superiority complex decides to travel in a sleeper class or could easily be just General Class of a train can and will erk an Indian audience

Белый тигр

Same applies to the caste divide.

Белый тигр
But having said that unfortunately AND fortunately this film will get a greater acceptance in the west because it presents the story in a way the West understands the problem
النمر الأبيض ..حيوان نادر مهدد بالإنقراض
An ambitious Indian driver uses his wit and cunning to escape from poverty and rise to the top
النمر الأبيض في المنام
And by doing so, it somehow abandons that Indian audience
Society has trained Balram to be one thing - a servant - so he makes himself indispensable to his rich masters But for an Indian that's just gross simplification
An epic journey based on the New York Times bestseller An epic journey based on the New York Times bestseller

The White Tiger (2021)

Balram Halwai Adarsh Gourav narrates his epic and darkly humorous rise from poor villager to successful entrepreneur in modern India.

النمر الأبيض ..حيوان نادر مهدد بالإنقراض
As I said these are just trivial details but they explain so much more about the intent of the makers
The White Tiger (2021)
If you go by the story, then you know this film is quintessentially Indian telling the story in a way so as to engage the western audience also
Белый тигр
But after a night of betrayal, he realizes the corrupt lengths they will go to trap him and save themselves