تل أبيب. تل أبيب أم تل الربيع أم يافا؟ أصل الاسم وحقيقته

In 1993, Tel Aviv was categorized as a Meanwhile, the beaches of Tel Aviv provide a vibrant beach paddleball scene
At the end of the 20th century, the city began restoring historical neighborhoods such as and many buildings from the 1920s and 1930s Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

جامعة تل ابيب

[ ] Tel Aviv's emerged in the 1930s, and became a in 2003.

تل ابيب
The inhabitants of the southeastern suburb of HaTikva erected an angel-monument as a sign of their gratitude that "it was through a great miracle, that many people were preserved from being killed by a direct hit of a Scud rocket
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Once Tel Aviv received city status in the 1920s, those neighborhoods joined the newly formed municipality, now becoming separated from Jaffa
تل أبيب
Two- and three-storey buildings were interspersed with boulevards and public parks
A process of gentrification began in some of the poor neighborhoods of southern Tel Aviv and many older buildings began to be renovated On 18 May 1949, and part of Jaffa's central zone were added, for the first time including land that had been in the Arab portion of the UN partition plan
In the early 21st century, Tel Aviv's municipality transformed a derelict into a public park, now named "Gan HaHashmal" "Electricity Park" , paving the way for and environmentally conscious designs It is a and is ranked 41st in the

تل أبيب

In recent years, Tel Aviv has received many non-Jewish migrants from Asia and Africa, students, foreign workers documented and undocumented and refugees.

تل أبيب أم تل الربيع أم يافا؟ أصل الاسم وحقيقته
In 2013, Tel Aviv had more than 700 startup companies and research and development centers, and was ranked the second-most innovative city in the world, behind and ahead of
ليست «تل الربيع» ولا مدينة فلسطينية.. ما قصة «تل أبيب»؟
Schmemann, Serge 20 September 2002
توجِّه ضربة صاروخية كبيرة إلى تل أبيب وضواحيها بـ130 صاروخاً ثقيلاً
Two clubs operate in Tel Aviv