كيف انتحر. الانتحار والأفكار الانتحارية

Suicide and euthanasia in older adults : a transcultural journey Joiner TE, Jr; Brown, JS; Wingate, LR 2005
"History of maltreatment and mental health problems in foster children: a review of the literature" "The role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the pathophysiology of adolescent suicidal behavior"

حكم الانتحار بسبب الاكتئاب

Ajdacic-Gross V; Weiss MG; Ring M; et al.

انتحار بطريقة سهلة
"The psychology and neurobiology of suicidal behavior"
حكم الانتحار بسبب الاكتئاب
Suicidal ideation and behavior in children and adolescents: Evaluation and management
وفاة أدولف هتلر
"A meta-analytic review of the effects of childhood abuse on medical outcomes in adulthood"
Cochrane database of systematic reviews Online The United States Surgeon General
Bertolote, JM; Fleischmann, A; De Leo, D; Wasserman, D 2004 "Preventing suicide in young people: systematic review"

طرق سهلة وبسيطة للانتحار وكمان مش حرام

The Psychiatric clinics of North America.

كيف انتحر بدون ما اموت ؟
"A Suicide Right for the Mentally Ill? "Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and suicidal behavior"
National Institute of Mental Health
كيف انتحر بدون ما اموت بسرعه
; Perilloux, Carin; Buss, David M
Stein, edited by George 2007 "Evolutionary psychology: Controversies, questions, prospects, and limitations"
"Screening for child and adolescent depression in primary care settings: a systematic evidence review for the US Preventive Services Task Force"

اسرع طريقة للانتحار , كيف تنتحر بدون ان تشعر

International journal of environmental research and public health.

الانتحار بين الثرثرة والصمت... ماذا لو طغت حموضة النبيذ؟!
Haney, EM; O'Neil, ME; Carson, S; Low, A; Peterson, K; Denneson, LM; Oleksiewicz, C; Kansagara, D 2012 Mar
طرق سهلة وبسيطة للانتحار وكمان مش حرام
"Suicide in China: unique demographic patterns and relationship to depressive disorder"
طرق الانتحار : ما هي وسائل الانتحار المختلفة التي يستخدمها المنتحرون؟ • تسعة
Annual review of public health