are there any translation for your books in english? i have read all your books and it has changed my life | Shahrour, do you plan to translate the qoran to the english language based on your understanding of it |
Mohamad i have been inspired by you and i have been reading your Modern way of Isalm and i PUSH YOU and promote you | What are your thoughts in this regard? and how about an English Web site?? Shahrour, I have been a great fan of yours since I met you in Damascus our house in the early nineties |
The question is: greater of what??? It is confusing for me, why would GOD say that he said to the angels to yield , and tehy yield except for satan , if he was not from the angels? But the only place where he mentioned in 29:45 where meant that Zekrul-lah is greater than the prayer it self.
18Many thanks in advance and may the Almighty reward you highly for your sincere efforts to enlighten us about the true Islam | e an-nahy youfidou et-tahrim other example: al-amr youfidou el woujoub |
i need your understanding of this Dr | I was not able to read your last book from your site |
Allow me to repeat the questuin here, but in English, and hope that you kindly spend some moments in responding to it.