كيف تنام خلال خمس ثواني. نوم

Thus, the shift in the evening bedtime across cohorts accounted for the substantial decrease in sleep duration in younger children between the 1970s and the 1990s They excite the REM-off monoaminergic neurons during wakefulness and the PT cholinergic neurons during REM sleep
Orexin neurons are located in the lateral hypothalamus Mayer G, Ewert Meier K, Hephata K; Ewert Meier; Hephata 1995

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Hence, one hypothesis is that because of the small number of these neurons in narcolepsy there is less excitation of the monoaminergic neurons during wakefulness and consequently a tendency for the cholinergic neurons to escape from the monoaminergic inhibition resulting in sudden attacks of atonia and REM periods.

EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd
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Miyagawa T, Honda M, Kawashima M, Shimada M, Tanaka S, Honda Y, Tokunaga K; Honda; Kawashima; Shimada; Tanaka; Honda; Tokunaga 30 April 2009
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Biological rhythms, sleep, and hypnosis
American Academy of Sleep Medicine "The origin of REM sleep: A hypothesis"
Orexin neurons are significantly decreased in number in narcoleptic patients Miyagawa T, Miyadera H, Tanaka S, Kawashima M, Shimada M, Honda Y, Tokunaga K, Honda M; Miyadera; Tanaka; Kawashima; Shimada; Honda; Tokunaga; Honda 2011

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United States Food and Drug Administration.

"Clarithromycin for the Treatment of Hypersomnia: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial"
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36 Abstract Supplement : A248
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Wise MS, Arand DL, Auger RR, Brooks SN, Watson NF; Arand; Auger; Brooks; Watson; American Academy of Sleep Medicine Dec 2007
"Sleep disturbances and hypocretin deficiency in Niemann-Pick disease type C" They are organized in a widely projecting manner, much like the monoamines, and innervate all of the components of the ARAS
"Narcolepsy and automatic behavior: A case report" "Sleep duration from infancy to adolescence: reference values and generational trends"

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"Use of subcutaneous flumazenil preparations for the treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia: A case report".

"Mechanism of action of narcolepsy medications"
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The Standards of Practice Committee of the American Sleep Disorders Association"
"The clinical use of the Multiple Sleep Latency Test