عون. منصة عون

This controversial decision saw the rise of two rival governments contending for power at that time, with Aoun being supported mainly by and , while the other being supported by and Sami Moubayed 12 May 2005
But I regret the American position on Lebanon They intended to get rid of us by marginalizing us, and by treating us as a superfluous element in society

Michel Aoun

It is the Movement's first participation in any Lebanese Government.

Michel Aoun
The first round of voting required a two-thirds majority of the house, meaning 85 votes of the 127 member chamber, but Aoun closely failed to secure the necessary votes for the round winning just 83 votes, two less than required, while there were 36 blank ballots, 6 cancelled ballots and one ballot for MP Gilberte Zouein
Michel Aoun
"We have to work hard to elect a person who can unite all Lebanese people from all political affiliations and promote coexistence among them," said Siniora
خدمة عون
[ ] In October 1989, Lebanese members met to draw up the in an attempt to settle the Lebanese conflict
2016 presidential candidacy LF leader and Michel Aoun turned a historic page in intra-Christian relations when the former presidential nominee officially endorsed on Monday Aoun's candidacy for the presidency Request Tree Trimming Service 3
He declared the against Syrian Army forces on 14 March 1989, opposed the , refused to recognize the newly elected presidents and , clashed with the led by , and survived an assassination attempt on 12 October 1990 a law that Critics argue was implemented by Syrian intelligence chief and , that does not provide for a real popular representation and marginalizes many communities especially the Christian one throughout the country

Michel Aoun

35 Gilberte Zouein 1 0.

لزوم صحيفة لبنانية تنشر الاجتماع بين عون والحريري والرئاسة تصدر بيانا
Engel introduced the in the House of Representatives on 12 April 2003
Michel Aoun
On 21 November, Hariri returned to Beirut to participate in the Independence Day celebrations
منصة عون
We are not included among its interests at present