דוד לאור. הקרואסון של דוד לאור

Schreiber, The Cypro-Phoenician Pottery of the Iron Age, Leiden , Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First Temple Period, Atlanta: 103-115
Naveh, The Tel Dan Inscription, A New Fragment, Israel Exploration Journal 45:1-18 , Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology, Atlanta: 117-164

ממלכת דוד לאור הממצא בחורבת קיאפה

The food ordered was delicious but the girl behind the counter wasn't nice and more of doing a favor instead of serving and all this because I just asked a question and was standing not were she wanted me to stand on a street near the counter and not in the shop with people - Coronavirus times, you know.

עדי ארליך
Hasel, The Contribution of Khirbet Qeiyafa to our Understanding of the Iron Age Period, Strata: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israeli archaeological Society 28: 39-54
עדי ארליך
Ussishkin, Has King David's Palace in Jerusalem Been Found? Jamieson-Drake, Scribes and Schools in Monarchic Judah, Sheffield
דוד לאור קונדיטור, א.ת, Ha
: The Glass Half Full, Y
Thompson, Early History of the Israelite People from the Written and Archaeological Sources, Leiden Excavation Report 2007—2008, Jerusalem: 161-173
, Up to the Gates of Ekron, Essays on the Archaeology and History of the Eastern Mediterranean in Honor of Seymour Gitin, Jerusalem: 29-42 Lemche, Ancient Israel: A New History of Israelite Society, Sheffield

דוד לאור קונדיטור

Schreiber, The Cypro-Phoenician Pottery of the Iron Age, Leiden.

ממלכת דוד לאור הממצא בחורבת קיאפה
Inscriptions from Tel Rehov, C
פטיסרי מומלצים בישראל
Garfinkel, The Early Iron Age II Pottery, Y
דוד לאור קונדיטור, א.ת, Ha
Stager, The Patrimonial Kingdom of Solomon, W
Excavation Report 2007—2008, Jerusalem: 201-208 The food ordered was delicious but the girl behind the counter wasn't nice and more of doing a favor instead of serving and all this because I just asked a question and was standing not were she wanted me to stand on a street near the counter and not in the shop with people - Coronavirus times, you know
, Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context: A Tribute to Nadav Na'aman, Winona Lake: 255-272 Portugali, Tell Qiri: A Village in the Jezreel Valley, Qedem 24 , Jerusalem

דוד לאור קונדיטוריה, היצירה, מבשרת ציוןまでのドライブルート

Mazar, Three 10th-9th Century B.

דוד לאור
עדי ארליך
Excavation Report 2007—2008, Jerusalem: 151-160
דוד לאור קונדיטוריה, היצירה, מבשרת ציוןまでのドライブルート
Davies, In Search of "Ancient Israel", Sheffield