אגודת הסטודנטים רופין. הסטודנטים של רופין מפתחים פתרונות לגיל השלישי בהאקתון.

Our efforts are focused on two main subjecst:• p53 promotes the expression of gluconeogenesis-related genes and enhances hepatic glucose production Genes Immunity, 14, 67-82 2013
Kupiec: Systematic identification of gene annotation errors in the widely used yeast mutation collections Mol Syst Biol, 8, 592 2012 L

פרופ' איתן רופין

Nature Meth 9: 373-U82 2012.

אגודת הסטודנטים
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PNAS , 111: 11762-11767, 2014
מבחנים ומחברות
Cancer Res, 72, 5712-5720 2012 L Jerby, and E
מבחנים ומחברות
A genome-wide systematic analysis reveals different and predictive proliferation expression signatures of cancerous vs
2011-2015 US-Israeli Binational Science Foundation BSF for studying human host-pathogen metabolic interactions in the gut Glycan Degradation GlyDer analysis predicts mammalian gut microbiota abundance and host diet-specific adaptations mBio, 5; e01526-14, 2014
PLoS One, 9: e98372, 2014 Environmental stresses disrupt telomere length homoestasis

אגודות סטודנטים

Taken together, these studies and others ongoing in the lab offer new ways for harnessing computers to advance our understanding of metabolically-related human disorders, and further our ability to diagnose and treat them in a rationale-designed manner.

מבחנים ומחברות
Metabolically re-modeling the drug pipeline
לימודי הנדסה במרכז האקדמי רופין
INDI: a computational framework for inferring drug interactions and their associated recommendations
הסטודנטים של רופין מפתחים פתרונות לגיל השלישי בהאקתון.
We have recently developed a new approach for inferring drug target for extending life span in humans anti-aging , which are currently under experimental investigation