الهلال الاخضر. مستشفى الهلال الاخضر بالرياض

Green Crescent Hospital is accredited by Kabi for 2017 until 2020 Years of progress, development, experience and achievements since the establishment of the Green Crescent Hospital in 1987, which occupied the hospital throughout this period leadership and leadership in providing quality health services and participated in the improvement and development for the community
Saudi Central Council for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions The Saudi Central Council for Accreditation of Health Institutions is the official agency authorized to grant accreditation to all public and private health facilities operating today in Saudi Arabia

نتيجة مباراة الهلال


معلومات الشركة
اكسا الهلال الاخضر
مستشفى الهلال الاخضر

مستشفى الهلال الاخضر بالرياض


معلومات الشركة
مستشفى الهلال الاخضر