Lucy in the sky with diamonds. The Beatles

If Paul specifically names the words he came up with, what gives you reason to doubt it?! They are written in this book
The four members had publicly discussed drug use and the benefits as they saw it of LSD in particular James Pennebaker at the University of Texas at Austin

The Beatles

Lucy in the Sky: I think you underrate the significance of this booklet.

For 10 points: What is the meaning of in the Sky with
Jacob Shelton is a Los Angeles based writer
Lucy in the Mind of Lennon: An Empirical Analysis of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
This program, Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count LIWC , quickly scans through a text of any length and searches out words that have been shown to be reliable indicators of around 70 preset categories
The Beatles
But in form of arrangements
Does that make John a less great composer? Rooted in skiffle and 1950s rock and roll, they later utilised several genres, ranging from pop ballads to psychedelic rock, often incorporating classical and other elements in innovative ways The song came to John Lennon after seeing his son's drawing So duh, the song was written by as the centerpiece for one of their most beloved albums
It would drive me nuts Pepper into the music curriculum from September 2016

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds: Song Meaning, Is It About LSD, & Lyrics

The song has been recognised as a key work in the genre.

Lucy in the Mind of Lennon: An Empirical Analysis of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
The Beatles taped just the rhythm track: piano, acoustic guitar, organ, drums and maracas
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds: Song Meaning, Is It About LSD, & Lyrics
On the other hand he recorded songs without integrating the other members
Different word order, without LSD