أسباب العنف الأسري. انواع العنف الاسري واسبابه وعلاجه

Goldsmith 2020-01-13 , , psychcentral, Retrieved 2020-09-20
Abstract: Domestic violence is the behavior that leads to hurt family members in particular; either psychically or physically Violence in the family, as a social phenomenon, began to increase within the modern family until it became daily observed

أسباب العنف الأسري

Legg 2020-05-28 , , healthline, Retrieved 2020-09-20.

أسباب العنف في الوسط الأسري
Marianne Flury,Elisabeth Nyberg,Anita Riecher-Rossler 2010 , , Switzerland: Psychiatric University Outpatient Department, Psychiatric University Clinics Basel, University of Basel,, Page 1
أسباب العنف في الوسط الأسري
Violence against the wife, the husband, the children and even the parents is everywhere
أسباب العنف الأسري
Roxanne Dryden-Edwards, , medicinenet, Retrieved 2020-09-20
Whatever the reason, it is necessary to study this phenomenon by seeking solutions; That is why we have proposed a subject, where we will highlight the factors of domestic violence, we will treat them so that individuals receive a good socialization and this phenomenon is annihilated Alessandra Guedes,Sarah Bott,Claudia Moreno,and others 2016 , , USA: Pan American Health Organization, Page 2

اسباب العنف الاسري


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