مرض توريت. متلازمة توريت

Harper and Row, New York Retrieved on July 2, 2013
In general, this article uses North American trade names In: Swaiman's Pediatric Neurology: Principles and Practice

متلازمة توريت

"Tourette Syndrome: Current Controversies and the Battlefield Landscape".

أسباب ونشأة متلازمة توريت
Malone DA Jr, Pandya MM
متلازمة توريت
Retrieved on May 14, 2007
ما هي متلازمة توريت
"Sensory phenomena in obsessive—compulsive disorder and Tourette's disorder"
Du, Chiu, Lee, et al " In Finger S ed
"Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD comorbidity: a case for "pure" Tourette syndrome? "Study of several involuntary functions of the apparatus of movement, gripping, and voice" by Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard 1825 History of Psychiatry org version on December 21, 2011

ماذا تعني الإصابة بمتلازمة توريت؟

Scahill LD, Leckman JF, Marek KL.

ماذا تعني الإصابة بمتلازمة توريت؟
In: Ferri's Practical Guide: Fast Facts for Patient Care
معلومات عن متلازمة توريت
The representation of movement disorders in fictional literature
ما هي متلازمة توريت
The PDF , is available at archive