Melayu - Basmeih : Dalam hati mereka golongan yang munafik itu terdapat penyakit syak dan hasad dengki maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya dengan sebab mereka berdusta dan mendustakan kebenaran• In other words, although hypocrisy and disbelief are much greater crimes, yet they arise from the habit of telling lies | Yet, when Ibn Salul died, the Prophet performed the funeral prayer for him and attended his funeral just as he used to do with other Muslims |
Rather, the Prophet was only informed about their characteristics, and he used to assume that some people possessed these characteristics | Allah informed the Prophet about their plot, and the Prophet told Hudhayfah their names |
Dan bagi mereka siksa yang pedih yang menyakitkan disebabkan kedustaan mereka.
11According to these verses, the hypocrites would meet with a grievous punishment for having told lies | This is an indication that basically this nefarious habit was their real crime, which gradually led them to hypocrisy and disbelief |
It was recorded in the Sahih that the Prophet said, But why, we may ask, do these hypocrites resort to such behaviour? Now, illness or disease, in the general medical sense, is a state in which a man has lost the balanced proportion of the elements within him necessary to keep him healthy, so that his body can no longer function properly, which may finally lead to his total destruction | Yukadzdzibuuna dibaca pakai tasydid, artinya amat mendustakan, yakni terhadap Nabi Allah dan tanpa tasydid 'yakdzibuuna' yang berarti berdusta, yakni dengan mengakui beriman padahal tidak |
Accursed, they shall be seized wherever found, and killed with a terrible slaughter 33:60-61.