دورة الرجال. الدورة الشهرية للرجال هل هي حقيقية

Reprinted in The Hundredth Monkey - and other paradigms of the paranormal, edited by Kendrick Frazier, Prometheus Books Science and the Paranormal: Probing the Existence of the Supernatural
Renstrom P, Ljungqvist A, Arendt E, Beynnon B, Fukubayashi T, Garrett W, Georgoulis T, Hewett TE, Johnson R, Krosshaug T, Mandelbaum B, Micheli L, Myklebust G, Roos E, Roos H, Schamasch P, Shultz S, Werner S, Wojtys E, Engebretsen L June 2008 Journal of the American Medical Association: Oncology

الدورة الشهرية للرجال .. أعراضها وعلاماتها

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

الألياف الغذائية: أساسية لنظام غذائي صحي
As cited by Adams, Cecil, accessed 6 June 2006 : ; Barry Singer 1983
دورة فرنسا المفتوحة 1984
Cincinnati: The Couple to Couple League
ما هي دورة الرجل القمرية
"Menstruation in girls and adolescents: using the menstrual cycle as a vital sign"
The life and words of a! Albany, NY: State University of New York Press , which cites: Zinaman M, Hughes V, Queenan J, Labbok M, Albertson B 1992
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Gosline, Anna December 7, 2007

دورة شهرية

"Menstruation and the power of Yurok women".

دورة فرنسا المفتوحة 2005
New York: Columbia University Press
هل هناك دورة شهرية عند الرجل؟
Dietary reference intakes DRIs : Recommended dietary allowances and adequate intakes, total water and macronutrients
رابطة النساء معيلات الأسر
"Darwin's Legacy: An Evolutionary View of Women's Reproductive and Sexual Functioning"