Reprinted in The Hundredth Monkey - and other paradigms of the paranormal, edited by Kendrick Frazier, Prometheus Books | Science and the Paranormal: Probing the Existence of the Supernatural |
Renstrom P, Ljungqvist A, Arendt E, Beynnon B, Fukubayashi T, Garrett W, Georgoulis T, Hewett TE, Johnson R, Krosshaug T, Mandelbaum B, Micheli L, Myklebust G, Roos E, Roos H, Schamasch P, Shultz S, Werner S, Wojtys E, Engebretsen L June 2008 | Journal of the American Medical Association: Oncology |
The life and words of a! Albany, NY: State University of New York Press | , which cites: Zinaman M, Hughes V, Queenan J, Labbok M, Albertson B 1992 |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Gosline, Anna December 7, 2007 |
"Menstruation and the power of Yurok women".