من احيا نفس. من أحيا نفسا

Unlock Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Oleh karena itu Kami tetapkan suatu hukum bagi Bani Israil bahwa barangsiapa yang membunuh seorang manusia bukan karena orang itu membunuh orang lain atau bukan karena membuat kerusakan dimuka bumi maka seakanakan dia telah membunuh manusia seluruhnya Dan barangsiapa yang memelihara kehidupan seorang manusia maka seolaholah dia telah memelihara kehidupan manusia semuanya Dan sesungguhnya telah datang kepada mereka rasulrasul Kami dengan membawa keteranganketerangan yang jelas kemudian banyak diantara mereka sesudah itu sungguhsungguh melampaui batas dalam berbuat kerusakan dimuka bumi• 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 因此,我对以色列的后裔以此为定制:除因复仇或平乱外,凡枉杀一人的,如杀众人;凡救活一人的,如救活众人。 It is a pity that the precious words which embody God's ordinance are to be found nowhere in the Bible today
Since the same qualities which had been displayed by the wrong doing son of Adam were manifest in the Children of Israel, God strongly urged them not to kill human beings and couched His command in forceful terms Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs of Allah's Sovereignty , but afterwards lo!

من أنا…؟؟

English - Sahih International : Because of that We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs Then indeed many of them [even] after that throughout the land were transgressors• Melayu - Basmeih : Dengan sebab kisah pembunuhan kejam yang demikian itu kami tetapkan atas Bani Israil bahawasanya sesiapa yang membunuh seorang manusia dengan tiada alasan yang membolehkan membunuh orang itu atau kerana melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi maka seolaholah dia telah membunuh manusia semuanya; dan sesiapa yang menjaga keselamatan hidup seorang manusia maka seolaholah dia telah menjaga keselamatan hidup manusia semuanya Dan demi sesungguhnya telah datang kepada mereka Rasulrasul kami dengan membawa keterangan yang cukup terang; kemudian sesungguhnya kebanyakan dari mereka sesudah itu sungguhsungguh menjadi orangorang yang melampaui batas melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi• Sebaliknya siapa yang memelihara kehidupannya artinya tidak hendak membunuhnya maka seolah-olah ia telah memelihara kehidupan manusia seluruhnya.

ورد قوله: (من احيا نفسا كانما احيا الناس جميعا..) مالمقصود من هذا الحديث؟ فهل هو الاحياء المعنوي أم المادي واذا كان الاخير فمن هم الناس..المسلمين؟ ام المسلمين والكفار؟
For this reason did We prescribe to the children of Israel that whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men; and certainly Our apostles came to them with clear arguments, but even after that many of them certainly act extravagantly in the land
من أنا…؟؟
" dan sesungguhnya telah datang kepada mereka itu yakni kepada orang-orang Israel rasul-rasul Kami membawa keterangan-keterangan yang jelas maksudnya mukjizat-mukjizat kemudian banyak di antara mereka sesudah itu melampaui batas dalam berbuat kerusakan di muka bumi dengan kekafiran, melakukan pembunuhan dan lain-lain
أحياه نفس المطرب الذي أحيا حفل زواج ابنته.. صورة نادرة من زفاف عمرو الليثي
They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas
The person who helps to preserve the life of even one person, on the other hand, is the protector of the whole of humanity, for he possesses a quality which is indispensable to the survival of mankind Kata Ibnu Abbas, "Ini dilihat dari segi melanggar kesuciannya dan dari segi memelihara serta menjaganya
No results found for this meaning Whosoever kills unrighteously is thus not merely guilty of doing wrong to one single person, but proves by his act that his heart is devoid of respect for human life and of sympathy for the human species as such

من أحياها فكأنما أحيا الناس جميعاً

many of them became prodigals in the earth.

إحياء الموات
Our apostles certainly brought them manifest signs, yet even after that, many of them commit excesses on the earth
10 من قوله: ( مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَى بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ..)
The Talmud also mentions that in trials for murder, the Israelite judges used to address the witnesses as follows: Whoever kills one person, merits punishment as if he had slain all the men in the world
10 من قوله: ( مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَى بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ..)
For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind