Diamonds are forever. Diamonds Are Forever Lyrics

The payoff comes seconds later when light unexpectedly shines on Bond and the Wagnerian music suddenly and abruptly cuts out just before Shady Tree, who had gotten him out, yells at him for passing him fakes It is by all odds the broadest—which is to say wackiest, not sexiest
Bond takes the opportunity to casually stroll out of Slumber, Inc Wint compliments one of their female targets, and gets a glare from Mr

Diamonds Are Forever (film)

Tyan is killed by a scorpion sting and dies almost instantly.

Diamonds Are Forever (Film)
Bond then goes to the Whyte House, a casino-hotel owned by the reclusive billionaire Willard Whyte, where Tree works as a stand-up comedian
A Diamond is Forever – De Beers Group
You don't just fall into the deeper hole, because there is a wall in the way
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Shady Tree: Critics and material I don't need, I haven't changed my act in 40 years! International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
Since the dawn of humanity their beauty, strength and resilience have enchanted people the world over
He plans to switch a standard cassette tape for the tape Blofeld uses to control the laser satellite Truly, between the spa mud bath murder, moon buggy chase, horrible acting by one of the worst Bond girls ever, and the singer of "Big Bad John" adding support, this chapter amounts to being more of a comedy than Peter Sellers' Casino Royale did four years earlier

Why do diamonds last forever?

Diamonds do not last forever.

1971 Are 1971 Ford Mustang Mach 1
Doubly stupid, as this is the second time the pair have been given an unconscious James Bond to dispose of; the first time they tried to burn him alive, and it didn't work then; Shady Tree and Morton Slumber get him out of the retort when Tree discovers that Peter Franks' remains had been stuffed with fake diamonds planted by Bond and the CIA before being transported to Slumber, Inc
‎Diamonds Are Forever on iTunes
The only difference is the way the carbon atoms are arranged and bonded in the crystalline lattice
Diamonds Are Forever Lyrics
Bond gains control of the submarine's launch crane and crashes the sub into the control room, causing both the satellite control and the base to be destroyed