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The lens assembly includes a first phase mask plate having a first major surface facing the display and a second major surface opposite the first major surface, the second major surface implementing a first freeform Fresnel lens structure, and further includes a second phase mask plate adjacent and parallel to the first phase mask plate and having a third major surface facing the second major surface and an opposing fourth majors surface, the third major surface implementing a second freeform Fresnel lens structure Trained staff are available to assist public users
The method further includes reducing resolution of the subset of the plurality of frames In some implementations, the additional data may be based on a new message that is related to the message, such as a reply to the message

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An output vector sequence of a second recurrent neural network is generated.
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In some implementations, a computer-implemented method includes obtaining a video comprising a plurality of frames and corresponding audio
Abstract: Aspects of the present disclosure relate to generating turn-by-turn direction previews
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Google Patents Search
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