نو يوريك. نو

— Ethacrynic acid, thiazide diuretics: May increase risk of allopurinol toxicity and of xanthine to uric acre, the end product of purine metabolism
Allopurinol dosage adjustment may be needed — Antineoplastics: May increase potential lor bone marrow suppression

ما هي دواعي الاستعمال والاثار الجانبية لـ نو يوريك No

— Patients should observe caution while driving or performing other tasks requiring etertness.

الوبيورينول: استخداماته واثاره الجانبية
NO-URIC411300 Tablets: Box of 2 strips of 10 tablets each
تعرف علي افضل الادوية لعلاج حصوات الكلي وزيادة الاملاح واحتباس السوائل في الجسم
Dosage and Administration: — Gout, primary or secondary to hyperuricemia: Dosage varies with severity of diseasecan be given as single dose or In divided doses, but doses larger than 300 mg should be divided
نو يوريك Nouric
Excretion occurs primarily in urine, with minute amounl excreted in faeces
— Azathioprine, mercaptopurine purinelhoQ: May increase levels of these drugs — Advise patient taking allopurinol for treatment of recurrent calcium oxalate stones to reduce intake of animal protein, sodium, refined sugars, oxalate-rich foods, and calcium
— To be used under medical supervision — Keep out of reach of children


A prophylactic dose of colchicine 0.

نو يوريك Nouric
Prevention of uric acid nephropathy durior cancer chemotherapy
الوبيورينول: استخداماته واثاره الجانبية
— Recurrent calcium oxalate calculi: Adults: 200 to 300 mg daily in single or divided doses
قرص نو
Hyperuricemia secondary to malignancies leukemia