نسيمه ظاهر. نسيمة ضاهر ديانتها عمرها زوجها معلومات عنها وصور

If the analysis of the literary text According to cohesion with his two types , lexical for the vocabulary , and Grammatical which includes connection, separation, referral, substitution and deletion, cohesion encompasses the stability and variability that exist between the paragraphs of the text, as well as the relationships between the sentences from the semantic side or between the title and the text, and so on fr lies nait kaci, lies
com benbouaziz ouahid, benbouaziz gmail The research on the subject of cohesion and coherence in preparation for the doctoral thesis, and teaching in the secondary previously, made us think of writing this article, which connects the linguistic analysis and analysis of literary texts, to reach the conclusion that " cohesion and coherence have a role in the analysis of literary texts and the understanding of the text by the student, Which may become qualified to analyze the text by his self

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, which is still confused by some linguists and researchers to this day.

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What is meant by cohesion and coherence? com Maboud Djaouida, maboudj hotmail
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uk Kaouane Mohamed, Kaouane1970 gmail
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What are the elements of both?
And what is their role in the analysis of literary texts? com Fatima LOUATI, altaoum yahoo :Abstract The text linguistics is a new curriculum in recent language studies, which is concerned with the study of the text "as a set of sentences that interrelates between them internal and external relations ", representing cohesion and coherence
However, if we go back to the literary texts taught at the secondary level, we note that the Professor does not give these two subjects great importance, and we believe that this is due to the lack of separation between the cohesion and coherence and the elements of each one of them, which makes it remiss in analyzing the text according to them, which has made us We write in this topic, and explain their role in the analysis of literary texts, helping from us for every professor of Arabic language and to analyzing literary texts Can the pupil absorb such concepts? fr belaala amina, saliha1927 gmail

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