علي بن ابي طالب. الإمام علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام

Ali had even predicted that would be his killer The rebels maintained that Uthman had been justly killed, for not governing according to the Quran and Sunnah; hence, no vengeance was to be invoked
However, Ali did not take any action against Ibn Muljam as caliph [ ] Momen has listed many of these verses in his An Introduction to Shi'i Islam

قصة علي بن ابي طالب

Ali and some of his companions asked the Kharijites to renounce enmity and war, but they refused.

قصة علي بن ابي طالب
He stated that 'Uthman had deviated from the of the Prophet, especially on the question of which should be meted out in several cases, such as those of and accused of drinking
سيرة علي بن أبي طالب
When was questioned, Muhammad said: "Gabriel came to me and said: Do not let it [the reading of the ] be performed by anyone other than yourself or someone from you [i
الإمام علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام
The earliest surviving work and one of the most important works in this field is by d
intended to prevent any decision regarding Ali's caliphate or the constitution of a caliphate council He was also an uncle of , and had raised Muhammad after Abu Talib's father and Muhammad's grandfather died
Some sources mention , as the last words of Muhammad, which is interpreted differently by Shias and Sunnis Thus, people such as , and refused to pledge allegiance to Ali

علي بن أبي طالب (Author of نهج البلاغه)

After was killed, he was elected the.

أين يقع قبر سيدنا علي
He strictly observed religious duties and avoided worldly possessions
سيرة علي بن أبي طالب
Living and Dying with Grace: Counsels of Hadrat Ali
الإمام علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام
During the caliphate of Uthman, Ali, along with other companions of Muhammad, including and , were among the critics of Uthman
He spared Aisha's army and released them after taking allegiance According to him, there is not even evidence that Ali had close relations with rebels who supported his caliphate, much less directed their actions
Sunnis assert that even though Muhammad never appointed a successor, Abu Bakr was elected first caliph by the Muslim community Among the shias of Ali is one of the , according which, although Ali was not the recipient of a , he had a close relationship with God, through which God guides him, and the Imam in turn guides the people

سيرة علي بن أبي طالب

However, the people's attitude toward Ali differed deeply.

Madelung believes that, since in the Arab customs of the time, especially the , hereditary succession was common, and since the Quran emphasized the importance of blood ties between the early prophets, especially the , and since the supported Ali's caliphate, Abu Bakr knew that forming a council would lead to the election of Ali, so he led the situation in a manner that insured his own election
According to Ali insisted on his prominence there, but most of the electors supported Uthman and Ali was reluctantly urged to accept him
من أقوال وحكم ومواعظ علي بن أبي طالب
'Umar particularly relied upon Ali as the chief judge of Medina