التنور الرس. Prophets in Quran Ep. 06: Prophet Nouh (Noah) (AS)

But [as for the unrighteous] folk [that will spring from you] - We shall allow them to enjoy life [for a little while], and then there will befall them grievous suffering from Us or the people of Salih: and [remember that] the people of Lot lived not very far from you! Will you not, then, become conscious of Him? And thou shalt not ask of Me anything whereof thou canst not have any knowledge: thus, behold, do I admonish thee lest thou become one of those who are unaware [of what is right]
Worship God alone: you have no deity other than Him Verily, my son was of my family; and, verily, Thy promise always comes true, and Thou art the most just of all judges! [saying:] "Warn thy people ere grievous suffering befall them! In the name of God be its run and its riding at anchor! Science section features not just Science but also Nature and Technology

قصة سيدنا نوح في القرأن

" And a wave rose up between them, and [the son] was among those who were drowned.

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Leave not on earth any of those who deny the truth
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Due to overwhelming content, each of these hubs can be considered a home page of its own
کلمات فارسی قرآن
Section 107, and such and all material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes
Sustainer is indeed much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace! This section is more for the technologically minded To [all of] them their apostles had come with all evidence of the truth
[And even though] that [unity of faith] to which thou callest them appears oppressive to those who are wont to ascribe to other beings or forces a share in His divinity, God draws unto Himself everyone who is willing, and guides unto Himself everyone who turns unto Him If my presence [among you] and my announcement of God's messages are repugnant to you -well, in God have I placed my trust

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[but they rejected them:] and so it was not God who wronged them [by His punishment], but it was they who wronged themselves.

تعلم فنون الرد اذا قلك واحد احبك وش ترد عليه ؟
Worship God alone]: you have no deity other than Him
رأس تنورة
IslamiCity is making such material available in its effort to advance understanding of humanitarian, education, democracy, and social justice issues, etc
عملية الجمع — تعليم الحروف العربية للأطفال ^_^ السلام عليكم في هذا الرس
And so We saved him and all who stood by him, in the ark, and made them inherit [the earth], the while We caused those who gave the lie to Our messages to drown: behold, then, what happened in the end to those people who had been warned [in vain]! These are offered as a means for IslamiCity to stimulate dialogue and discussion in our continuing mission of being an educational organization