خلق الانسان في كبد. خلق الانسان في كبد

Even if he is a conqueror he is never at peace from the danger that one of his generals might rise in revolt against him Even if he is a Korah of his time, he is ever anxious to increase his wealth and to safeguard it Somali - Abduh : Ee Eebe Dadka wuu Abuuray iyagoo dhib iyo shaqo Adduunka kala kulmi• Thus, there is no one who may he enjoying perfect peace freely and without hesitation, for man indeed has been created into a life of toil and trouble
Even if he is a king or a dictator, he at no time enjoys internal peace from the tear that a rebellion might arise against him somewhere

خلق الإنسان

Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia berada dalam susah payah• After birth he is so helpless that had there not been somebody to look after him, he would perish uncared for and un-noticed.

333) لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسانَ في‏ كَبَدٍ
Melayu - Basmeih : Sesungguhnya Kami telah jadikan manusia sentiasa dalam keadaan menghadapi kesulitan dan kesukaran jasmani dan rohaninya;• Man's being created in toil means that tnan in this world has not been created to enjoy himself and live a life of ease and comfort, but the world for him is a place of enduring and undergoing toil, labour and hardship, and no man can be immune from this
ما معنى الآية الكريمة خلقنا الإنسان فى كبد
The most fortunate of us is also exposed to grave dangers of death before birth or of elimination by abortion while in the mother's womb
خلق الإنسان
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Hakika tumemuumba mtu katika taabu• At birth he is only a hair-breadth away from death
The city of Makkah is a witness that a servant of Allah toiled and struggled hard, then only did it become a city and the centre of Arabia English - Sahih International : We have certainly created man into hardship• 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我确已把人创造在苦难里。 Froth childhood to youth and old age he had to pass through such physical changes that if any change had taken a wrong turn, his very life would have been at stake
In this city of Makkah the condition of Muhammad upon whom be Allah's peace is a witness that he is enduring every kind of hardship for the sake of a mission; so much so that there is full peace here for the wild animals but no peace for him When he became able to walk he stumbled at every step

خلق الانسان في كبد

Hausa - Gumi : Lalle ne Mun halitta mutum cikin wahala• Then, every man's survival, from the tithe he is conceived in the mother's womb till the last breath of life, is a witness that he has to pass through trouble, toil, labour, dangers and hardships at every step.

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ما هو تفسير الآية الكريمة لقد خلقنا الانسان في كبد ؟


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خلق الإنسان