متى نستخدم in on at. متى نستخدم is و are في السؤال شرح سهل مع امثلة

my room is on the left side• When do you eat lunch? Physics — Do you speak English? there is a nice picture on the wall• — Cairo is the capital of Egypt southern — Alex lies northern Egypt
— Doctors should be merciful — We watched the news on television

متى أستخدم Saw ومتى أستخدم Seen؟

Fahad is in a park• I was born November 3, 1970.

حروف الجر المحيرة في اللغة الإنجليزية
Fahad is reading at the present time
متى تستخدم ...(on) .. (in).. (at)
Do you know which preposition to use before times, days, months and years? 1 Our neighbors will have a dinner……
شرح قاعدة in on at حروف الجر prepositions بشكل سهل
— I went to the school to see my son
The movie starts 7:30 the evening Mine is ON October 12
— We heard the news on the radio — The supper we had

متى نستخدم is و are في السؤال شرح سهل مع امثلة

— in a shop Have you got these shoes in size 43? — My son goes to school every day.

سؤال: متى استخدم أو ومتى استخدم أم ؟
Ali is waiting for us at the bus stop• When does the school year begin in your country? — Man is sociable by nature
The Definite article أدوات التعريف في اللغة الإنجليزية
Nora is at the university•
متى نستخدم the ؟ (18 استخدام بالأمثلة)
I love to see the flowers the spring
page 9 — Our train leaves from platform 7 — I usually watch TV in the evening
— The horse is a fast animal the picture is on the wall• Beverly went to Los Angeles January

a و an و the والفرق بينهم وشرحهم بالتفصيل

…… the afternoon e 5 There is a huge sale …………………… Monday.

In, At, On + Time or Date
he is at a restaurant• , At 4:01, At noon Remember also
حروف الجر المحيرة في اللغة الإنجليزية
The play is Saturday noon
The Definite article أدوات التعريف في اللغة الإنجليزية
Noha go to the cinema on Friday