ميشال عون. ميشال عون متفائل... واللبنانيون يحملونه مسؤولية انهيار البلاد.. ما الجديد؟

Aoun and his allies got one third of the government, but were one minister short of having veto power In 1984, he became the youngest , at the age of 49 years
The Syrians eventually gained tacit support by the US government led by in exchange for their participation in the coalition against Iraq in the First Gulf War The second and third conditions for disarmament were the return of Lebanese prisoners from Israeli jails and the elaboration of a defense strategy to protect Lebanon from the Israeli threat

ميشال عون ... والدور المطلوب أن يلعبه

After it signed the Taif Accord in Taif, Saudi Arabia , the assembly met to elect as president in November.

Michel Aoun
He has treated all Lebanese parties as potential partners in the process of change and reform of the country
ميشال عون في احلى ايامه !! / بقلم حسن صبرا
There were 36 blank ballots in the second round, 7 ballots cancelled and 1 vote for MP Sethrida Tawk Geagea
الرئيس اللبناني: الاستشارات النيابية لتسمية رئيس الوزراء ستجرى في موعدها . دار الحياة
Earlier in the day, Rai had met with former Prime Minister and head of the Future Movement parliamentary bloc
In exile, he founded the , and advocated for the by testifying in Congress As he read the key points of his understanding with Aoun, Geagea paused for a moment to tell a joke
] It's not just a matter of convincing the American people, but of convincing those who make policy in the United States Hariri's killing was a catalyst for dramatic political change in Lebanon

موقع القناة الثالثة و العشرون

Election as president On 31 October 2016, Aoun was elected the president of Lebanon, ending a 29-month vacuum at the head of the state.

الحزب يستعدّ لمرحلة ما بعد ميشال عون؟
If Lebanon fails, how can tolerant societies be built in the Middle East? Gemayel referenced the historical precedent of 1952, when General Fouad Chehab, a Christian Maronite, was appointed as prime minister of a transition government following the resignation of President
موقع القناة الثالثة و العشرون
Sensing a pivotal moment in the civil war that had raged on-off in Lebanon since 1975, Aoun declared a liberation war against the Syrian Army
الرئيس المكلّف سعد الحريري: إن شكلت حكومة ميشال عون لن أنقذ البلد
Aoun's testimony was condemmed by the Lebanese Council of Ministers and pro-Syrian politicians and organizations, and he was accused of plotting with the against Lebanon, Syria and the Arab Nation
Therefore, we had to choose a policy of coordination with all elements of Lebanese society, and with our neighboring countries, in order to build strong, solid, and mutual relations Gemayel's move was of questionable validity, as it violated the unwritten of 1943, which reserved the position of prime minister for a
Bassil was elected by acclamation after his main contender, MP Michel's nephew , was convinced to quit the race 2016 presidential candidacy LF leader and Michel Aoun turned a historic page in intra-Christian relations when the former presidential nominee officially endorsed on Monday Aoun's candidacy for the presidency

الرئيس المكلّف سعد الحريري: إن شكلت حكومة ميشال عون لن أنقذ البلد

Political views The West Aoun explained why he turned back on the West and forged an alliance with the in a speech in May 2008 by saying: "We chose this long-term political option, because we knew that the interests of the West do not lie with us.

ميشال عون ... والدور المطلوب أن يلعبه
The Declaration of Intent has since brought Aoun and Geagea closer together, putting an end to the bitter rivalry between the Christian leaders who fought a devastating war in 1990
Jaber, Ali; Times, Special to The New York 23 November 1989
For 25-35 years, we have been reading that the Christians in the Middle East are becoming extinct