حيوان المها. صفات حيوان المها العربي

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County The color of Arabian oryx is very amazing ; because it has a brown-gray color with some white and black marks on the face and on different body parts
About reproduction , Arabian oryx gestation lasts for a long time from 225 to 273 days , and the female gives one calf every gestation and sometimes it may give twins Predators of Arabian oryx are the wolves , which is considered the only and the most dangerous predators of adult oryxes, while the Cheetahs is the potential predators of the younger oryxes , and the environment affairs seek since 70s to save the oryxes from predation and hunting to protect them from Extinction especially in the Arabian Peninsula

معلومات عن المها العربي بالصور والفيديو

The shape of Arabian Oryx is characterized by a strong and powerful built, short necks, slightly long limbs, besides, the female and male species nearly look alike, however, the females are less in body mass and muscles.

معلومات عن حيوان المها
A Look at Threatened Species
اسباب انقراض المها العربي في الامارات
IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group 2008
المها العربي
Database entry includes justification for why this species is listed as Endangered
You must know that Arabian Oryx can stay for a long time without water , but it drinks water regularly when water is available
Oryx also feeds mainly on grasses and it has the ability to dig for getting water from tubers and from water-storing roots

وصف عيون المها بالصور


وصف عيون المها بالصور
صور عن المها العربي جميلة
صور عن المها العربي جميلة

نبذة تعريفية عن خصائص حيوان المها


ماذا تعرف عن المها العربي؟ 7 معلومات رائعة عن هذا الحيوان
معلومات عن المها العربي بالصور والفيديو
صفات حيوان المها العربي