عبارات الشتاء. عبارات جميلة عن فصل الشتاء

Everyone has the ability to deeply imagine; surely he can see a lot of things in sky clouds shape and formation My spirit fly away When I look at the moving clouds and when i touch the rain drops• Some women say that they sometimes feel almost jealous of the clouds• Be optimistic, life continues, and hope is still there• Nostalgia for winter, for thick coats, for cold windows, for hot coffee, for wet roads, the most beautiful of which is standing in the rain and praying• The quiet beginning of winter is the rule of changing our mood gently• The raindrops scattered softly and softly, as if they were whispering in our ears in a faint voice
How beautiful is this stillness and this calm• It is empty as if everyone is asleep The fact which we must trust in is that the sun shines always above the sky clouds• I look at the street from my window

عبارات حلوة عن الشتاء 2020


عبارات لوصف الشتاء
All I want really is to go on a long journey only with the clouds• The most beautiful thing in winter is that complete silence, as if the world is living in slumber
عبارات شتويه قصيرة
عبارات عن الشتاء قصيره 2021

عبارات حلوة عن الشتاء 2021


عبارات عن الشتاء قصيره 2021
كلمات عن برد الشتاء
عبارات عن الشتاء