ارتفاع حرارة الطفل. حمى

In: Roberts and Hedges' Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care "Normal oral, rectal, tympanic and axillary body temperature in adult men and women: a systematic literature review"
Bedside Techniques: Methods of clinical examination "[Fever--useful or noxious symptom that should be treated? "Accuracy of peripheral thermometers for estimating temperature: a systematic review and meta-analysis"

الحمى: الإسعافات الأولية


الحُمى لدى الأطفال
"Chapter 17, Fever versus hyperthermia"
كيف أنزل حرارة طفلي بسرعة
"Systematic review and meta-analysis of the clinical safety and tolerability of ibuprofen compared with paracetamol in paediatric pain and fever"
الحُمى لدى الأطفال
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
British National Formulary for Children Saira Publishers and Salamat Iqbal Press,
British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2 : CD004264

أفضل طريقة لخفض الحرارة عند الأطفال

"The concept of sickness behavior: a brief chronological account of four key discoveries".

الحمى: الإسعافات الأولية
"Physical methods for treating fever in children"
الحمى: الإسعافات الأولية
13 27 : iii—iv, ix—x, 1—163
الحُمى لدى الأطفال
"Antipyretic therapy in febrile critically ill adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
"Biological basis of the behavior of sick animals" Current Medical Research and Opinion
An analog showing a temperature of 38 Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology

الحُمَّى عند الرُّضَّع والأطفال

"Fever and the thermal regulation of immunity: the immune system feels the heat".

الحمى: الإسعافات الأولية
Communication, physical and developmental assessment
أفضل طريقة لخفض الحرارة عند الأطفال
The New England Journal of Medicine
"Paracetamol for treating fever in children"