Fox, Jonathan; Sandler, Shmuel 1 April 2005 | "Religious Foundations of Law in the West: An Historical Perspective" |
Hauser Global Law School Program | Robertson, Crimes against humanity, 90 |
Willis, Hugh Evander January 1926.
Marinescu, Ioana Elena; Posner, Eric A | Mason AC, KBE, The Hon |
7 are entirely in but having socio-political connections with Europe | Merging law and sociology : beyond the dichotomies in socio-legal research |
University of Pennsylvania Law Review | C The Government of the United Kingdom also issue passports to British nationals who are not British citizens with the right of abode in the United Kingdom and who are also not otherwise citizens of the European Union |
Devins, Neal 1 January 2008 | " "Public" and "private" law: definition without distinction" |
"The nexus between philosophy and law".