Est time now. EST to CET conversion

EST stands for an Eastern Standard Time, and EDT stands for Eastern Daylight Time CASE WHEN DATEPART WEEKDAY , UTC
It is also five hours behind coordinated universal time Therefore I tried using Text Now , Local and it always results in word 'local' instead of the local time

EST Time Now

In the example below, you can see the result.

Eastern Standard Time Zone
North American Time Zones The time zones in North America, in the west from Hawaii and Alaska to the east cost of USA and Canada and all the way to Nova Scotia and Newfoundaland
EST to IST Converter
Time Zones in the United States
EST to CET conversion
Those are Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Tennessee
Field THEN DATEADD HOUR , -6 , UTC Names would be TimeZones, value would be how many hours ahead or behind your time zone they are
Find military and civilian times live in your own timezone Some short, simple and to the point and some with useful potential considerations

Eastern Time Now

For example, it can be called from reports or used on databases that are read-only.

Eastern Standard Time Zone
Four hours behind coordinated universal time
Eastern Time Now
For that reason, I believe the other answers here are more useful
EST time zone — Eastern Standard Time
Where and When is EST Observed? The time offset from UTC can be written as -05:00