الماده هي. مادة

it's a different kind of particle
"Existence and nature of dark matter in the universe" Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics

ما هي حالات المادة

Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science.

"Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Baryon Density of the Universe"
بحث عن الكيمياء والمادة: تعرف على 9 من مبادئهم وخصائصهم
مادة مظلمة
"Antimatter Plasmas in a Multipole Trap for Antihydrogen" "Particle dark matter: Evidence, candidates and constraints"
"Non-baryonic dark matter: Observational evidence and detection methods"

ما هي وحدات بناء المادة

Retrieved on 6 August 2013.

أهم 7 معلومات عن المادة.. خصائصها واستخداماتها
something not yet observed in the laboratory
ناسا بالعربي
"The ingredients of cold antihydrogen: Simultaneous confinement of antiprotons and positrons at 4 K"
مادة مضادة
dark matter: An invisible, essentially collisionless component of matter that makes up about 25 percent of the energy density of the universe Planck Collaboration 22 March 2013
Francis, Matthew 22 March 2013 , Cal Tech, 2007, The Teaching Company, Dark Matter, Dark Energy: The Dark Side of the Universe, Guidebook Part 2 page 46, Accessed Oct

ما هو تعريف المادة

Bertone, Gianfranco; Merritt, David 2005.

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مادة مضادة
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