الغجر في مصر. «الغجر.. بدون مصر».. لا يملكون أوراقا ثبوتية وأبناؤهم لا يلتحقون بالمدارس.. محرومون من الخدمات ويعيشون على أطراف القرى

The Chronicles and Annalistic Sources of the Early Mamluk Circassian Period 's 1987 estimate for "all Gypsies in the world" was 6 to 11 million
Despite a 1,000-year separation from India, Roma still practice 'shaktism', the worship of a god through his female consort Today, estimates put the number of Roma in the U

مصر الحديثة بعيون أكرم فى «الغجر»: هوثق كل شبر

The Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality estimates the number of "ciganos" Romanis in Brazil at 800,000 2011.

الغجر في مصر
أبواب النور: اصل الغجر فى مصر
Estimated by Ministero degli Interni del Governo Italiano
Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth edition Webley, Kayla October 13, 2010
A Military History of Modern Egypt: From the Ottoman Conquest to the Ramadan War

الغجر فى مصر

The Romani population in France is officially estimated at around 500,000.

شركس مصر
Republic of Macedonia, State Statistical Office
لمحة عن حياة الغجر وجذورهم بالبلدان العربية
Hellenic Republic National Commission For Human Rights
الغجر في مصر... بهجة وسط الخراب
Roma believe in a universal balance, called kuntari
According to , estimates of the total world Romani population range from two million to five million
The 2010 Brazilian National Census encountered gypsy camps in 291 of Brazil's 5,565 municipalities The Spanish government estimates the number of Gitanos at a maximum of 650,000

حياة الغجر في مصر بين سيرة العذاب والتمسك بالتقاليد — مصر 360

By the late fourteenth century Circassians from the north Caucasus region had become the majority in the Mamluk ranks.

حياة الغجر في مصر بين سيرة العذاب والتمسك بالتقاليد — مصر 360
Census 2002 in Russia: 182,766 Roma
الغجر في مصر
Cleveland, OH: Eastword Publications Development 1998 ; pp
There are officially about 500,000 Roma in Turkey