Covid 19 cases in india. Covid cases update: India reports 41,383 new Covid

All non-critical businesses and services were ordered closed except for hospitals, grocery stores, and pharmacies, and there was a for non-essential purposes This also included direct cash transfer, primarily for and daily wage labourers; and free gas cylinders for three months
On the other hand, India has so far administered 41 Gunasekar, Arvind 9 April 2020

Coronavirus (Covid

During the second wave of the pandemic in India shortages of certain drugs caused some COVID-19 patients to go to the.

India reports 30,093 new COVID19 cases in 24 hours, lowest in 125 days
Shankar, Abhishek; Saini, Deepak 25 August 2020
On 20 March 2020, the government decided to also include all pneumonia cases, regardless of travel or contact history
Coronavirus live: Covid hospitalisations in England highest since February
Sharma, Manoj 12 November 2020
important;clip:rect 0 0 0 0! India crossed the grim milestone of two crore on May 4 and three crore on June 23 , NDTV, 1 May 201• Faulty test kits from China were subsequently returned and future orders cancelled
India began its on 16 January 2021, and by April was administering 3—4 million doses a day Ministry of Health and Family Welfare


On 22 March, all train services in the country were cancelled baring goods trains, that is around 12,500 trains, and all non-essential passenger transport including interstate transport buses.

India sees slight increase in COVID
Upadhyay, Vineet 23 July 2020
Roy, Rajesh; Agarwal, Vibhuti 8 April 2020
In Charts
Press Information Bureau, Government of India