جامعة دار العلوم sis. نموذج طلب القبول

Searchable cited references are also included for more than 120 journals, with links to the complete text of many of the original works The database features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as the Economist, country-and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data
ProQuest Central is the largest, multidisciplinary, full-text database available in the market today Each issue of each newspaper is indexed thoroughly, so researchers have access to not only top news stories but also the information contained on the various sections of the papers


CMMC incorporates the content of CommSearch formerly produced by the National Communication Association and Mass Media Articles Index formerly produced by Penn State along with numerous other journals in communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study to create a research and reference resource of unprecedented scope and depth encompassing the breadth of the communication discipline.

Full study of the macroeconomic indicators• Literature Online is the leading online resource for the study and teaching of literature in English
نموذج طلب القبول
Used by institutions around the world, The Snapshots Series includes over 8,890 market reports across 43 industries in 40 countries, spanning the UK, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, and Latin America
نموذج طلب القبول
ProQuest connects people with vetted, reliable information
This full text database includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers, providing full access to the articles, columns, editorials and features published in each This database is the total technology research solution, combining full text journals with indexing of global literature on technology and applied science, including materials science, aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, condensed matter physics, computer science and electronic engineering
It is a fully integrated service that combines the texts of over 357,250 works of literature with huge resources of criticism and reference Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world

رسوم الخدمات

Department of Education to provide extensive access to education-related literature.

رسوم الخدمات
Literature Online contains a full library of up-to-date, fully searchable criticism and reference resources in addition to the full text of poetry, drama, and prose fiction from the seventh century to the present day
Accessible to readers and researchers at every level, CBCA Complete features a highly-respected, diversified mix of publications, including scholarly journals, trade publications, dissertations, books, newspapers and magazines
كلية البترجي الطبية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا
and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports, crime blogs and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement and related fields
ERIC provides coverage of journal articles, conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs Extract interesting quizzes for students, encouraging them doing deeper researches to find more results and insights
Its role is essential to libraries and other organizations whose missions depend on the delivery of complete, trustworthy information The unique reports and statistics will help you to:• 1,400 full-text education journals 930 journals and More than 550 books and monographs


CMMC provides the most robust, quality research solution in areas related to communication and mass media.

This database will help ELLs succeed academically and in everyday life by providing assistance as they conduct research, build their background knowledge and develop study skills
Many titles are indexed in the ERIC database
Some backfiles date as far back as the late 1970s