משוב משרד החינוך. היחידה להתמחות בהוראה (סטאז')

Literature 4 Points; The Road Not Taken-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Grammar in context:personal subject pronouns• Literature 5 Points:A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module C- Writing an opinion:Grammar- basic Tenses• Literature 5 Points: The Split Cherry Tree-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Connectors• Literature 4 Points A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Module G- Writing an opinion-Advanced Grammar:Passive• Module E- Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Connectors• Literature 4 Points: Introduction to poetry-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points:Rules of rhe Game:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Literature 4 Points: Count That Day Lost- LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Relative Pronouns• Let's Speak English: Topics: stating an opinion, debates• Module E- Listening to an interview: key words• Let's Speak English: Topics: family, familiar topics• Literature 4 Points :The Treasure of Lemon Brown-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Let's Speak English: Topics: family, familiar topics• Module A- Listening to an interview: key words• Module G- Writing an opinion- Advanced Grammar: Connectors• Module G- Writing an opinion- Vocabulary Band 3• Let's Speak English: Topics:pesonal interests, school• Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Literature 5 Points: All My Sons:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module C- Writing an opinion: Vocabulary Band 2• Module A- Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Listening to an interview: key words• Literature 4 Points A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points: The Wave:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module A- Listening to an interview: key words• Oral Bagrut:Topics: family, familiar topics• Grammar in context:position of adverbs• Literature 5 Points: All My Sons:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module E- Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Literature 5 Points:Rules of rhe Game:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module A- Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Writing an opinion- Grammar- connectors• Writing a description: Grammar- adjectives• Grammar in context:Connectors such as: however, neverthless, in spite of, nonetheless, although,despite• Literature 5 Points: All My Sons:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Grammar in context:Connectors such as: however, neverthless, in spite of, nonetheless, although,despite• Module C- Writing an opinion: Grammar- connectors• Literature 4 Points: Grandmother-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module A- Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Listening to an interview: key words• Writing an opinion- Grammar- connectors• Literature 5 Points:The Road Not Taken-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points: The Wave:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 4 Points: Introduction to poetry-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Grammar in context:Questions, yes-no, WH Questions• Let's Speak English: Topics: stating an opinion, debates• Module G- Advanced Grammar: Passive, Connectors• Module E- Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Let's Speak English: Topics: family, familiar topics• Writing a paragraph: Basic Grammar• Literature 5 Points: All My Sons:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points: As I Grew Older:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Writing a paragraph: Basic Grammar• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Indirect Speech• Literature 4 Points :The Treasure of Lemon Brown-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Listening to a clip, COBE- Pilot Module E- Vocabulary, key words• Module C- Grammar: Basic Tenses• Literature 5 Points:A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Let's Speak English: Topics:pesonal interests, school• Literature 4 Points: The Split Cherry Tree-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 4 Points: Introduction to poetry-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points:A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points: The Split Cherry Tree-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module C- Writing an opinion: Grammar- connectors• Literature 5 Points:The Road Not Taken-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Writing a description: Grammar- adjectives• Literature 4 Points: Grandmother-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points:The Enemy:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Writing an opinion- Grammar- connectors• Module E-Grammar: Present Perfect Simple• Literature 5 Points: The Split Cherry Tree-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points: Ozymandias:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module G- Writing an opinion- Advanced Grammar: Conditionals• Listening to a clip, COBE- Pilot Module E- Vocabulary, key words• Module C- Writing an opinion:Grammar- basic Tenses• Grammar in context:Questions, yes-no, WH Questions• COBE- Oral Bagrut: Presenting a topic, Presenting the Project, Relating to a clip• Writing a paragraph: Basic Grammar• Literature 5 Points: As I Grew Older:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points:A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module G- Writing an opinion- Advanced Grammar: Connectors• Literature 5 Points: As I Grew Older:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 4 Points: Count That Day Lost- LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points:The Enemy:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Writing an opinion- Grammar- connectors• Module E-Grammar: Present Perfect Simple• Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Literature 5 Points: Ozymandias:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points:Count That Day Lost- LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module E- Listening to an interview: key words• Grammar in context:personal subject pronouns• Writing an opinion- Grammar- connectors• Listening to a clip, COBE- Pilot Module E- Vocabulary, key words• Literature 4 Points; The Road Not Taken-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module C- Grammar: Basic Tenses• Literature 4 Points: Grandmother-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Grammar in context:personal subject pronouns• Grammar in context:personal subject pronouns• Literature 5 Points: All My Sons:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points:The Enemy:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Relative Pronouns• Grammar in context:position of adverbs• Literature 5 Points:The Enemy:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Let's Speak English: Topics: stating an opinion, debates• Literature 5 Points:Count That Day Lost- LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 5 Points: Ozymandias:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Listening to a clip, COBE- Pilot Module E- Vocabulary, key words• Literature 4 Points; The Road Not Taken-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Writing an opinion- Grammar- connectors• Literature 5 Points:A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• COBE- Oral Bagrut: Presenting a topic, Presenting the Project, Relating to a clip• Literature 5 Points:A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Listening to an interview: key words• Let's Speak English: Topics: family, familiar topics• Grammar in context:Connectors such as: however, neverthless, in spite of, nonetheless, although,despite• Module C- Writing an opinion: Grammar- connectors• Grammar in context:Questions, yes-no, WH Questions• Module C- Writing an opinion:Grammar- basic Tenses• Let's Speak English: Topics:pesonal interests, school• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Connectors• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Indirect Speech• Module G- Writing an opinion- Vocabulary Band 3• Literature 5 Points: All My Sons:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Writing a paragraph: Basic Grammar• Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Grammar in context:personal subject pronouns• Grammar in context:Connectors such as: however, neverthless, in spite of, nonetheless, although,despite• Literature 5 Points: Ozymandias:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 4 Points: Grandmother-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module E- Listening to an interview: key words• Literature 4 Points; The Road Not Taken-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Listening to an interview: key words• Literature 4 Points :The Treasure of Lemon Brown-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module G- Advanced Grammar: Passive, Connectors• Module E- Listening to an interview: key words• Module C- Writing an opinion:Grammar- basic Tenses• Literature 5 Points: As I Grew Older:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module G- Advanced Grammar: Passive, Connectors• Oral Bagrut:Topics: family, familiar topics• Module C- Writing an opinion: Grammar- connectors• Literature 5 Points: As I Grew Older:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module A- Listening to an interview: key words• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Indirect Speech• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Connectors• Oral Bagrut:Topics: school, stating an opinion• Let's Speak English: Topics: stating an opinion, debates• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Connectors• Literature 4 Points :The Treasure of Lemon Brown-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 4 Points :The Treasure of Lemon Brown-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module G- Writing an opinion- Advanced Grammar: Perfect Tenses• Listening to an interview: key words• Module G- Advanced Grammar: Perfect Tenses• Module E- Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Module C- Writing an opinion: Vocabulary Band 2• Writing a description: Grammar- adjectives• Literature 4 Points A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Relative Pronouns• Literature 4 Points: Grandmother-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module E-Grammar: Present Perfect Simple• COBE- Oral Bagrut: Presenting a topic, Presenting the Project, Relating to a clip• Module E- Listening to an interview: key words• Literature 5 Points:A Summer's Reading-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module E- Listening to an interview: key words• Module A- Listening to an interview: key words• Module C- Grammar: Basic Tenses• Module G- Writing an opinion- Vocabulary Band 3• Let's Speak English: Topics:pesonal interests, school• Grammar in context:position of adverbs• Let's Speak English: Topics: stating an opinion, debates• Grammar in context:Connectors such as: however, neverthless, in spite of, nonetheless, although,despite• Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Writing a description: Grammar- adjectives• Let's Speak English: Topics:pesonal interests, school• Module G- Writing an opinion- Advanced Grammar: Perfect Tenses• Listening to an interview: key words• Writing an opinion- Grammar- connectors• Literature 4 Points: The Split Cherry Tree-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Indirect Speech• Grammar in context:Complex sentences by using:Relative Pronouns• Literature 5 Points:Count That Day Lost- LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Literature 4 Points: Introduction to poetry-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Listening to an interview: key words• Listening to a clip, COBE- Pilot Module E- Vocabulary, key words• Let's Speak English: Topics:pesonal interests, school• Let's Speak English: Topics: stating an opinion, debates• Module C- Writing an opinion: Vocabulary Band 2• Module A- Listening to an interview: Vocabulary• Module C- Writing an opinion: Vocabulary Band 2• COBE- Oral Bagrut: Presenting a topic, Presenting the Project, Relating to a clip• Literature 5 Points:The Enemy:LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Oral Bagrut:Topics: school, stating an opinion• Literature 4 Points: Grandmother-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions• Module G- Writing an opinion- Advanced Grammar: Connectors• Writing an opinion- Grammar- connectors• Literature 4 Points: Grandmother-LOTS, HOTS, Bridging Questions•

היחידה להתמחות בהוראה (סטאז')





משרד החינוך
משרד החינוך