ما ودعك ربك وما قلى. ما ودعك ربك وما قلى

Ibn Juraij has mentioned it to be 12 days, Kalbi 15 days, Ibn 'Abbas 25 days, and Suddi and Muqatil have stated that it extended to 40 days In it, swearing an oath by the light of the day and the peacefulness of the night, he has been told: "Your Lord has neither forsaken you, nor is He displeased with you
Therefore, when he did not recite any new Revelation to them for quite some days, the opponents thought that the fountainhead from where the revelation came, had dried up By the Day as it appears

المحتوى القرآني

meaning, the abode of the Hereafter is better for you than this current abode.

Tafsir of Surah 93 ﴾الضحى﴿ Ad
All of this took place by the divine decree of Allah and His decree is most excellent
Tafsir of Surah 93 ﴾الضحى﴿ Ad
Ibn Jarir, Tabarani, 'Abd bin Humaid, Sa'id bin Mansur, Ibn Marduyah
قال تعالى(ماودعك ربك وما قلى)سورة الضحى... المقصود ب ما قلى
The Holy Prophet's extreme grief and anguish in this condition has also been referred to in several tradhions
Your Lord has neither forsaken you nor hates you Even with this, Abu Talib continued to follow the religion of his people, worshipping idols
Likewise, if you are constantly exposed to the light of revelation, your nerves would not stand it meaning, it settles, darkens and overcomes them

خانه عاشقی❤ ✯وَالضُّحَى خانه‌عاشقی ✯وَاللَّيْلِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ lovers⦆ مبتلایت بِذِكْرِ ✯مَا وَدَّعَكَ

And whoever conceals it, then indeed he was ungrateful.

تفسير سورة الضحى
From this will be the River of Al-Kawthar, which will have domes of hollowed pearls on its banks, and the mud on its banks will be the strongest fragrance of musk, as will be mentioned
تفسير ابن كثير/سورة الضحى
Different traditions have mentioned different durations of this period
ما ودعك ربك وما قلى
for some period of time