مشاعل البقمي. Listening and Speaking 3 ( LANE 234)

The major part of the course incorporates recorded materials including numbers, figures, dates, statistics, and a variety of discourses She has over 5 years of experience in teaching English as a second language at a university level for undergraduates, postgraduates and staff
The speaking course seeks to develop and foster the following skills: 1 Musha'al AlBugami is a faculty member, lecturer, at the college of languages and translation COLT at King Saud University

كلية اللغات والترجمة بجامعة الملك سعود تقيم برنامجها التعريفي «من هنا نبدأ»

The student is trained to listen and comprehend authentic recorded speech samples, which are more advanced in content than the material covered in Level 3.

عبايات عنان مشاعل البقمي
Her BA is in English language and literature from COLT, Imam Mohammad bin Saud University
من هي المصممة مشاعل البقمي السيرة الذاتية ويكيبيديا
Skills: Taking notes on specific information Inferring main ideas Identifying digressions Identifying stated illocutionary forces Inferring illocutionary forces Following instructions Selecting important information Producing a written summary Retention of information Retrieval of information Persuasive speech Abstracts Quotations Debates
من هي المصممة مشاعل البقمي السيرة الذاتية ويكيبيديا
The Listening component of this course aims at further improving and consolidating listening skills
She obtained her MA in Linguistics and English language teaching ELT from the University Of Leeds, United Kingdom in 2012
During her teaching and research years, she covered most of language skills courses, presented workshops and conducted some research

من هي المصممة مشاعل البقمي السيرة الذاتية ويكيبيديا


من هي المصممة مشاعل البقمي السيرة الذاتية ويكيبيديا
عبايات عنان مشاعل البقمي
Mushaal Abdullah AlBugami مشاعل بنت عبدالله البقمي

Mushaal Abdullah AlBugami مشاعل بنت عبدالله البقمي


عبايات عنان مشاعل البقمي
كلية اللغات والترجمة بجامعة الملك سعود تقيم برنامجها التعريفي «من هنا نبدأ»
من هي المصممة مشاعل البقمي السيرة الذاتية ويكيبيديا