Stc pay customer care number. What is STC Pay & How to Use it?

YOUR CANCELLATION RIGHT AND TERMINATION 4 STC Pay Materials do not include any software, data or other materials specifically made available by Us or Our Affiliates under separate license terms or that were created by a third party, including without limitation software provided under an open source license
You will be fully responsible for the use of any Supplemental Wallet Account which STC Pay will treat as forming part of Your Wallet Account Local Bank Transfer — STC pay to contact

Terms and Conditions

On requesting a transaction order, We will promptly share with You the applicable charges relating to the transaction.

STC has launched a new Application called STC Pay to facilitate its customers to be a part of a cashless economy
These terms tell You who We are, how We will provide the Wallet Services to You, how You and We may change or end this Agreement, what to do if there is a problem and other important information
Terms and Conditions
You must provide the necessary information and documentation to assist in the investigations as may be requested by Us
We will provide You with a notice specifying the reason for such termination We reserve the right to request further information to ascertain whether these conditions have been satisfied
You hereby acknowledge and agree that this Wallet Service is powered and serviced by Remittance Intermediaries and such International Remittances will be subject to special terms and conditions as described below: a Unless applicable law in the destination country you specify for a Receiver requires otherwise, You will bear all fees, charges, local taxes, exchange fees, and any other fees and charges of whatever nature for International Remittances You must notify Us through the methods specified in Section 2

What is STC Pay & How to Use it?

You may not use the Wallet Services and may not accept the Agreement if: a You are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Us and operate the Wallet Services; or b You are a person barred from receiving the Wallet Services under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

For Further information, please refer to our privacy Policy accessible through the App
We may use this information to improve Our products or to provide services or technologies
Terms and Conditions
You must resolve any such complaints directly with the merchant or establishment
You acknowledge that Your Wallet Account is not a bank account If You wish to cash-in or cash-out from Your Wallet Account, You may do this through a valid funding instrument as We may determine from time to time , although this is not mandatory
In the event that the service quality standards are not met, due to the service provider, the settlement will be made to the customer in accordance with the settlement mechanism applied in the company and in accordance with the regulations of the CITC Prior to making Your App or service generally available for commercial use with Our Wallet Service, You will test Your App or service to ensure that it operates properly with the Specifications

What is STC Pay & How to Use it?

3 work towards a mediated settlement before taking any further action against You.

STC Pay will do its best to provide redemption of the funds on Your Wallet Account by the method You have chosen, but retains a discretion to determine the method to be used based on the amount of funds that You hold
What is STC Pay & How to Use it?
You should be aware that the crediting of funds to Your Wallet Account does not mean that these transactions cannot be reversed
2 In the event that the funds are subject to a reversal, We will deduct such reversed transaction from the balance of Your Wallet Account