دكتور مخ واعصاب جدة. الأطباء والتخصصات

under 12 years are not allowed to visit the hospital xii Serves on hospital committees as requested
Secondary Changes in the Striatum after Injecting L1 antigen in Parkinson Model Mice vi Participates in the improvement of quality of patient care Total Quality Management Programme, Quality Assessment Improvement Programme as applicable

الأطباء والتخصصات

Disturbances in Cell Recognition Molecules N-Cam and L1 Antigen in the CSF of Patient with Schizophrenia.

أفضل دكتور المخ و الأعصاب في جدة ، السعودية
Experimental Neurology, 131 2 :266-273, February 1995
:: beuckman.com ::
05:00 pm To 09:00 pm
أفضل دكتور مخ وأعصاب في جدة
xii Serves on hospital committees as requested
U: 11:00 am To 12 am 08:00 pm To 9:30 pm For Infection Control reasons Children i ix Deputises for his superior as required and shares workload in his specialty during the absence of his colleagues
Outpatient clinics: 09:00 am To 01:00 pm U: 11:00 am To 12 am 08:00 pm To 9:30 pm For Infection Control reasons Children i

أفضل دكتور المخ و الأعصاب في جدة ، السعودية

vii Fulfills the requirements of the Saudi Council for Health Specialties with regard to continuing medical education.

أفضل دكتور المخ و الأعصاب في جدة ، السعودية
ix Deputises for his superior as required and shares workload in his specialty during the absence of his colleagues
Dr. Bakhsh Hospital
Outpatient clinics: 09:00 am To 01:00 pm