صبحي الطفيلي. بوابة الحركات الاسلامية: صبحي الطفيلي.. أول أمين عام لحزب الله اللبناني

al-Tufayli added: "those Hezbollah fighters who are killing children and terrorizing people and destroying houses in Syria will go to hell" Views [ ] More recently, al-Tufayli has stated that is implementing the agenda of the of the , , that the Islamic Republic's doctrine of "" Wilayat al-Faqih is un-Islamic and its government tyrannical
Early life and education [ ] Al-Tufayli spent nine years studying theology in the city of , , during the era, where he met other Islamist clerics, and he was influenced by Lebanese cleric al-Tufayli himself however stated that the internal split in Hezbollah was caused by Iran's take over of Hezbollah from the original Lebanese leadership, and Iran's opposition to tactics under his leadership of violence against Israel and a demand to the end of the state of Israel; al Tufayli stated explicitly that Iran wanted to use Hezbollah as a "border guard" for Israel

صبحي الطفيلي: مساعدة للأسد قد تؤخر سقوطه

al-Tufayli claims that Hezbollah today is acting as border guards for Israel and mercenaries for Iran and the West.

رجل دين شيعي يهاجم خامنئي: أكبر حامٍ للفساد بالعراق ولبنان
Al-Tufayli is a Shia Islamist, but is a very vocal critic of Iran and the current Hezbollah leadership
صبحي الطفيلي: نظامُ الأسدِ لن يبقى، ومستحيلٌ أنْ يستمرَّ ستلعبُ دوراً هاماً في ذلكَ.
Party political offices Preceded by Position established 1983—1984 Succeeded by
صبحي الطفيلي
Martins Press, 1997 , p
Hezbollah's had wound down since the "Kuwait 17" bombers of the who were linked to leading Hezbollah members were now free, and the had essentially ended the Civil War in Lebanon Some say, al-Tufayli also opposed Hezbollah's participation in Lebanese national elections and its "moderation" toward the Lebanese state
He said "Hezbollah should not be defending the criminal regime that kills its own people and that has never fired a shot in defense of the Palestinians" Returning to Lebanon, al-Tufayli joined with to help found the group of in the in 1982

Subhi al

In February 2013, al-Tufayli berated Hezbollah for fighting on behalf of the Syrian government in the.

صبحي الطفيلي يدعو للدفاع عن القدس ويُعرّي نظام الأسد والأنظمة العربية
from an interview with former Hizbullah secretary-general Subhi Al-Tufeili, which aired on Murr TV on January 30, 2012• He has been an active member of the Lebanese movement , and maintains his support of the organization
صبحي الطفيلي يدعو للدفاع عن القدس ويُعرّي نظام الأسد والأنظمة العربية
Ranstorp, Magnus, Hizb'allah in Lebanon, 1997, p
صبحي الطفيلي يدعو للدفاع عن القدس ويُعرّي نظام الأسد والأنظمة العربية
In Hezbollah [ ] Al-Tufayli was the first from 1983 until 1984