اصبحت لله ضيفا. اصبحت لله ضيفا والله للضيف يغنى

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O Allah, I ask You for the goodness of this day, its opening, its victory, its light, its blessings, and its guidance This includes the good with regards to this life e

Supplication 14: أصبحنا وأصبح الملك لله رب العالمين

and more importantly, the good with regards to the hereafter e.

Supplication 14: أصبحنا وأصبح الملك لله رب العالمين
The last specific thing we ask Allah in this supplication, is to grant us the goodness of this day in terms of the guidance we receive
أدعية لدفع الكسل والخمول
sins and transgression against Allah
أدعية لدفع الكسل والخمول
This means we want Allah to open for us the doors of knowledge, to make things clearer in our heads, and to open all doors of goodness before us• We finish off the supplication by seeking refuge in Allah from all the evil that exists on this day, as well as all the evil that exists after it
To be recited once Brief Commentary• We ask Allah to allow us to receive more guidance, and to allow us to maintain the guidance we currently have, as well as to act upon it• This includes evil in terms of maters that may affect us in the dunya e We begin by clarifying exactly what good we want from this day or night
Beneficial knowledge and righteous actions are a light for a believer in this life and the hereafter, so when we are asking Allah for the light of this day, we are asking Him to allow us to increase in beneficial knowledge, and in performing righteous actions• I seek refuge in You from the evil that is in it and from the evil that follows it Deliver and maintain services, like tracking outages and protecting against spam, fraud, and abuse• Always ask Allah to bless all your matters

اصبحت لله ضيفا والله للضيف يغنى

We describe Allah as being Lord of all that exists.

الموقع الرسمي للشيخ محمد عبد الموجود جادالله : اصبحت ضيف الله في دار الرضا ....... وعلي الكريم كرامة الضيفان تعفو الملوك عن النزيل بساحهم............ كيف النزول بساحة الرحمن يامن اذا وقف المسئ ببابه............ ستر القبيح وجاد بالاحسان وانا المسئ وقد دعوتك سيدي ........ تعفو وتصفح للعبد الجاني
Guidance is a very important matter that we ask Allah to grant to us every time we recite Surah Al-Fatiha, therefore at least 17 times in a day
ملامح لرؤية تأملية هادئة ... !!
The victory here is both a physical and spiritual one, so we are asking Him for His help to allow us to be victorious against our enemies, as well as against our own soul, so that we do not allow it to lead us to our destruction by following our desires and not being able to suppress them• We begin the supplication by affirming that the kingdom belongs to Allah, therefore He is the true King who has ownership over everything
ملامح لرؤية تأملية هادئة ... !!
Someone may sleep for 4 hours and feel very refreshed and energetic for the remainder of the day, whereas someone may sleep for over 8 hours, yet does not have much energy during the day