متى نستخدم a و an. الفرق بين a و an شرح قاعدة a an the بطريقة سهلة

2 My father earns 10 thousand dollar an year did she eat the apple last night? You have to obey your parents
I have known him since January I never drive more than 80 kilometers an hour

متى نستخدم is و are في السؤال شرح سهل مع امثلة

did we go to this restaurant last month? did he come to school yesterday? Mohammed was at school yesterday.

متى نستخدم mine ومتى نستخدم my توضيح الفرق بطريقة سهلة
an hour, an honest person, the honour, an heir
متى نستخدم a و an ؟
January 23rd, 2011, 04:10 AM
متى نستخدم a و an ؟
Can I have a drink
She has a red car do we know each other? I've been waiting since 7 o'clock
2 I have an umbrella do they want to meet Sarah? use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in subreddit author:username find submissions by username site:example

متى نستخدم the ؟ (18 استخدام بالأمثلة)


متى نستخدم the ؟ (18 استخدام بالأمثلة)
الفرق بين going to و will في التعبير عن المستقبل في قواعد اللغة الانجليزية
Could you tell me when the next train is
قاعدة do does و قاعدة did تعلم الفرق بسهولة مع امثلة
com find submissions from example
5 I do not know how to ride an camel do you like coffee or tea? 4 He is an old man
4 give me a egg

متى نستخدم (في)، ومتى نستخدم (الباء) من حروف الجر؟

I do not know how to ride a camel.

متى نستخدم mine ومتى نستخدم my توضيح الفرق بطريقة سهلة
الفرق بين a و an شرح قاعدة a an the بطريقة سهلة
does it sleep in the morning? do I have your phone number? We haven't got much time
متى نستخدم an و a
3 Norah is drinking a water