The above verse of the Qur'an removes this misunderstanding in two ways: In the first place, Allah says in clear words: 'Call upon Me: I will answer your prayers | Pengertian ini disimpulkan dari ayat selanjutnya, yaitu, Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri dari menyembah-Ku akan masuk dapat dibaca Sayadkhuluuna atau Sayudkhaluuna, menurut bacaan yang kedua artinya, mereka akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka Jahanam dalam keadaan hina dina" dalam keadaan terhina |
In still another Tradition Hadrat Abu Hurairah has reported that the Holy Prophet said: "The servant's prayer is granted provided that he does not pray for a sin or for severing connections with the kindred, and is not hasty |
Then he should be tired of it and give up praying.
12So, O servants of AIlah, you must always pray | According to Hadrat Anas, the Holy Prophet said |
In connection with prayer, people say that when the evil or the good destiny is in the control of Allah, and whatever He has already decreed in accordance with His dominant wisdom and expedience has to take place inevitably | He does so inevitably on the basis of the belief that that Being is watching him everywhere, is also hearing whatever he has in his heart, and possesses such absolute powers that, it can come to the help of the supplicant wherever he is, and can help him out of every trouble and difficulty |
The one who is actually the Possessor of the powers will in any case remain the Possessor whether man regards Him so or not.
30This expression of servitude is in itself "worship ", rather the essence of worship of whose reward the servant will in no cast be deprived, irrespective of whether he is grained the particular thing for which he had prayed or not | The servant by presenting his petition before his Lord and by praying to Him acknowledges His Lordship and Supremacy and admits his own servitude and helplessness before Him |
" Tirmidhi In the light of the above, the enigma that often causes confusion in the minds is also resolved | This is a serious misunderstanding which destroys the importance of prayer from the heart of man, and with this false notion even if man prays, his prayer would be soulless |
Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan Tuhanmu berfirman "Berdoalah kepadaKu niscaya akan Kuperkenankan bagimu Sesungguhnya orangorang yang menyombongkan diri dari menyembahKu akan masuk neraka Jahannam dalam keadaan hina dina"• " Musnad Ahmad Hadrat Abu Hurairah says that the Holy Prophet said: "When-ever one of you prays,, he should not say: O God, forgive me if You so please, show me mercy if You so please, grant me provisions if You so please, but he should say definitely: O God, fulfil my such and such need.