مضمر والشعر منسول. فهد بن راشـد بورسـلي

1946 An existential novel outlining Simone de Beauvoir's philosophy , The Vital Roots of European Enlightenment: Ibn Tufayl's Influence on Modern Western Thought, Lexington Books,
1899 1952 One of the most well-known philosophical plays of the twentieth century

7 من أجمل أشعار حب

1885 Perhaps the most well-known example of a modern philosophical novel.

فهد بن راشـد بورسـلي
Jon Mcginnis, Classical Arabic Philosophy: An Anthology of Sources, p
أسئلة الشعر ومغالطات الحداثة
1932 1913—1927 1943 1933 1924 1925 1968 1977 1981 A novel version of his longer non-fiction book , outlining his intense interest in the nature of reality, metaphysics and religion
ماذا أفعل مع عادة أبني في قضم أظافره؟
1991 1963 1988 An experimental novel that demonstrates Wittgenstein's philosophy of language; stylistic similarities to
1951 An existentialist play outlining Sartrean philosophy 1938 1944 An existentialist play outlining Sartrean philosophy
, Philosophy As Fiction: Self, Deception, and Knowledge in Proust, Oxford University Press 2004• 1944 An existential play outlining Simone de Beauvoir's philosophy 1943 An novel outlining Simone de Beauvoir's philosophy

أدب فلسفي


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موسوعة للقصائد المغناه فى الفنون الشعبية
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