اجزاء الدماغ. ورم الدماغ

; Schwartz JH; Jessell TM 2000 The amount of glucose in the blood is preserved at the expense of glycogen reservoirs Fig
Early results with structural MRI show a thinner cerebral cortex, across much of the cerebrum, in ADHD subjects compared with age-matched controls, including areas of [the] prefrontal cortex involved in working memory and attention The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology

فصوص الدماغ

"Sir Charles Sherrington's The integrative action of the nervous system: a centenary appreciation".

ورم الدماغ
"Marie-Jean-Pierre Flourens 1794—1867 and Cortical Localization"
اجزاء الدماغ worksheet
, 2015; Liu et al
اجزاء الدماغ worksheet
Elsevier's Integrated Anatomy and Embryology
Early results with structural MRI show a thinner cerebral cortex, across much of the cerebrum, in ADHD subjects compared with age-matched controls, including areas of [the] prefrontal cortex involved in working memory and attention "A historical reflection of the contributions of Cajal and Golgi to the foundations of neuroscience"
Monocarboxylate transporters MCTs are known to mediate the transport of short chain monocarboxylates such as lactate, pyruvate and butyrate Except for the fundamental process of GLUT4 translocation, [muscle glucose uptake MGU ] is controlled differently with exercise and insulin

أجزاء الدماغ ووظيفة كل جزء

Contraction-stimulated intracellular signaling 52, 80 and MGU 34, 75, 77, 88, 91, 98 are insulin independent.

بنية ووظائف الدماغ
Functional neuroimaging in humans demonstrates activation of the prefrontal cortex and caudate nucleus part of the dorsal striatum in tasks that demand inhibitory control of behavior
Bliss, Michael October 1, 2005
وظائف الدماغ
2017 demonstrated that lactate can exit the CNS via the paravascular pathway